Arts and Culture Days / JACES

Campus News 31 March 2023

From 4 to 6 April, the Journées des Arts et de la Culture dans l'Enseignement Supérieur (JACES) are back. A week to discover artistic and cultural events on campus.

The Journées des Arts et de la Culture dans l'Enseignement Supérieur, or JACES for short, are three days of festivals and artistic and cultural events in higher education establishments, universities and schools, open to all. Concerts, shows, exhibitions, screenings, artist residencies...
What are the aims of the JACES? To be a showcase for the cultural and artistic achievements of the schools and to give as many people as possible access to culture.
Here's the programme that Avignon Université has in store for you for this 2023 edition. Some of the events have a limited number of places and require you to make a reservation, so be sure to book early.

Programme for Tuesday 4 April

  • 12.30 p.m. Hannah Arendt campus park - Theatre
Visit The Lady in White by the Deraindenz company in the grounds of the Hannah Arendt campus

Walk in the company of a giant puppet

The Lady in White is the silent, white, slow wandering of a giant puppet and its four puppeteers: she, a wise, powerful and sober female figure; they, brilliant and grotesque. The image is beautiful, poetic and strange.
In partnership with Compagnie Deraindenz

  • 5.30pm La Scierie - Cooking/Gastronomy
Making your own tapas (vegan, easy and cheap)

Cooking workshop for students.
Fun vegetarian cooking on a student budget - preparation of tapas.

By reservation at
In partnership with the Scierie

  • 17h35 0W33 - Theatre
Speaking Out and Fitting In - A one-woman show by Alice d'Lumière, in English without subtitles.

Speaking Out and Fitting In is a one-woman show of sublimely performed poetry and disconcerting comedy in which Alice mischievously explores the incredible, and sometimes counter-intuitive, place of the gender-fluid individual who tends to fit into another gender, while trying to establish her own unique and personal voice.

Presented by the Curtain Call association as part of the English Spring Festival, in partnership with the Chapeau rouge theatre.
By reservation at

  • 17h45 Théâtre du Balcon - Meeting
Meet the author and the actors of the show Le Fossécreated by the Serge Barbuscia company at the Théâtre du Balcon

Why keep digging towards nowhere? Pierre is digging night and day, non-stop. He knows it, he's certain of it. It's his only chance. But others are coming, and nothing is going to go according to plan. In this thoroughly contemporary fable, five characters persist in trying to save the world (when, frankly, it hasn't asked for anything from anyone!) Five impostors, caricatures of a society in decline, clash like a modern-day Don Quixote, or waiting for an updated Godot. They are hoping for a sign, an answer. Or maybe just a bit of meaning.
For his first play, Jean-Baptiste Barbuscia takes us on a contemporary fable with multiple influences. A cross between Beckett and Hergé, this light-hearted comedy questions our society in decline.

In partnership with the théâtre du Balcon
By reservation at

  • 8pm Cinéma le Vox - Cinema
Film-debate: anthropomorphisation in animation

Screenings of short films and debate with film professionals, lecturers and students.
On the theme of the anthropomorphisation of animation, the students of the student association are organising a screening of short films and inviting cinema professionals, teacher-researchers from Avignon University, animation students from the École des Nouvelles Images and MOPA, as well as high school students in the cinema section at the Lycée Mistral to debate this issue.
The Vox cinema, recently classified as an art house, welcomes and supports this student initiative, which is spreading throughout the region.

Presented by the student association in partnership with the Vox cinema

Programme for Wednesday 5 April 2023

  • 12.30 Parc Campus Hannah Arendt - Dance
#BÊTISE - A choreographic piece combining hip-hop, contemporary, classical dance and dance theatre by the Evolves collective.

This play, which is accessible to all, deals with socially committed themes and aims to make the audience question current society.
One of the aims of #BÊTISE is to encourage viewers to become aware of the potential dangers of social networking, to examine their use of mobile phones and to analyse the way they consume online content.
The members of the collective use the originality of their body language to put on an emotionally rich, critical and poetic show. All of this is accompanied by an eclectic soundtrack, combining spoken and spoken word.
instrumental music.
Created in 2017, the Evolves collective uses scenic art as a vehicle for communication and personal development, inviting spectators to question themselves through choreography. By highlighting the singularity of their artistic proposals, the dancers aim to create urban, contemporary and unifying performances.

In partnership with the Golovine theatre

  • 3pm Ceccano Library - Music
Orchestral walk with beatboxer Robin Cavaillès around the Beatbox Symphony concert - Beatbox workshop

Musicologists and artists will share their insights and knowledge of the musical works performed by the orchestra. Taking a variety of forms, from lectures to hands-on practice, these walks will lead you to explore other, sometimes little-known dimensions of symphonic music.

Free workshop, registration required on 07 88 36 02 61 or by e-mail :

In partnership with the Orchestre National Avignon Provence

  • 5pm La FabricA - Meeting
Presentation of the programme for the 77th edition of the Festival d'Avignon by Tiago Rodrigues, Director of the Festival d'Avignon

In partnership with the Festival d'Avignon
By reservation at

Programme for Thursday 6 April 2023

  • 10h/11h, 11h15/12h15 and 14h/15h La Scierie - show techniques
Immersion in stage management - Come and find out about the technical side of show business!

A workshop to discover the technical aspects of show business: lighting and sound.

In partnership with the Scierie
By reservation at

    • 12.30pm Hannah Arendt Campus Pharmacy - Music
    Concert for 10 people by Thibault JAUME - Guitar & Solène KYNAST-FERRUCCI - Violin (students from the Conservatoire Grand Avignon)

    "Du bout des cordes is a duo born of the meeting of two musicians from very different backgrounds. With an eclectic repertoire ranging from jazz to French chanson, with a touch of classical music thrown in for good measure, they will be sharing their musical universe in pared-down arrangements that highlight the complementary nature of the violin and guitar.

    In partnership with AJMI

    • 5.30 pm Hall Nord Campus Hannah Arendt - France Photo exhibition
    Photographic collage - installation/performance

    Thomas Bohl, photographer, and the UEO Photo students will be creating a collage of their work in the campus hallway.
    Thomas Bohl began photography as a child, under the guidance of his father. He studied sociology and ethnology at the universities of Lille and Toulouse. During these studies, he specialised in Ethiopia and made two long trips there. He began a career as an animator, which continued as an educator. He had long wanted to combine his love of photography with his profession and his knowledge of sociology. So in 2011 he founded the Laboratoire de Photographie Sociale et Populaire and became a keen observer of people and his city, Avignon.
    With his students, he is organising a collage in the main hall of the historic Hannah Arendt Campus building, to leave a trace of the people who live there every day.

    • 5.30pm La Scierie - Meeting
    Student projects and initiatives in the field of arts and culture

    Discussions and first-hand accounts of collaboration between cultural organisations and student associations on innovative EAC initiatives, followed by an aperitif.

    In partnership with the Scierie

    By reservation at

    From 1 to 8 April, a number of partners are offering performances, screenings and exhibitions at Patch Culture rates. Check out the programme at Instagram account culture.univavignon.

    Programme for Friday 7 April - 10am 2E08 - Encounter

    Meeting with Tiago Rodrigues - Director of the Festival d'Avignon as part of the interdisciplinary "Creations inter-masters" seminar

    As part of the interdisciplinary seminar "Creations inter-masters" organised by Nathalie Macé Barbier, head of the Master Théâtre et Écritures and David Galli, head of the Master 1 Arts et Techniques des publics .

    In partnership with the Festival d'Avignon, the Master's degree in Theatre and Writing and the Master's degree in Culture and Communication

    By reservation only