Culture at the University of Avignon
With 50% of grant holders, a local environment of social mix, 10% of foreign students, culture is a driving force for success in studies, cohesion, institutional legibility at the level of its territory: indeed, a survey showed that in 2003, nearly 72% of students coming from another city than Avignon had chosen our institution because they thought they would find a cultural life within the city and relatively intense.
Our reality on the ground is first and foremost that of a university located in the second most famous French city in the world, which, because of its location, offers an exceptional living environment. For the past twelve years, our university has been built on two main areas of development - science/agrosciences and culture/heritage.
In the image of French higher education, Avignon University was a place of knowledge and professionalism before becoming a place of life: a campus. This is why, in a logic of openness to the world, it has launched a strong policy of student, associative and cultural life based on high-level research, original training and the rich identity of its territory.
Culture is one of the pillars of research and training at Avignon University. The House of Culture and Campus Life coordinates the synergies of the university community so that the university becomes a place of life and a cultural centre within its territory and recognisable on an international scale.
News Culture
Mis à jour le 22 December 2022