Internships abroad

The International Relations Department (SRI) of the Université d'Avignon is responsible for submitting your application to the scholarship award committee, once an internship agreement has been signed by all parties. A grant is not awarded automatically: the committee reserves the right not to select your application (on the basis of social criteria, the number of applications and available funding). The committee responsible for awarding grants for work placements abroad meets several times a year.

The Scholarship Commission will be responsible for examining the files of students who are going on a study or internship mobility for the year 2022-2023 (periods of study or internship abroad taking place between August/September 2022 and August/September 2023).

If you are going on an internship mobility in 2022-2023, please contact the International Relations Department, once your placement agreement has been signed by all parties. We will then send you the link to fill in the application form.

Erasmus+ grant

Despite the UK's exit from the Erasmus+ programme, it remains eligible for Erasmus+ funding. Students going to the UK on a study or work placement in 2022-2023 will therefore be eligible for an Erasmus+ grant.

A) Period of study and internship at United Kingdom for the academic year 2022-2023

The monthly allowance set for UK mobilities by the European Commission and Avignon University applies in this way in 2021/2022 :

STUDY MobilityTraineeship Mobility
(Amounts per month)
270 €420 €

Conditions of award :

  • There is no age limit to be a candidate, nor is there a means test.
  • The duration of the mobility must be at least 3 months for studies and 2 months for internships.
  • The student can receive the Erasmus+ grant for a maximum of 12 months per study cycle (Bachelor, Master).
  • Selection criteria: quality of academic record, language skills, project and motivation of the student.
  • The Erasmus scholarship can be combined with the AMI scholarship.
  • There is a supplementary allowance to cover specific costs, reserved exclusively for students with disabilities; these specific costs are covered on the basis of estimated actual costs. The request must be made before the mobility.

B) Study and work placement period in Erasmus+ countries for the academic year 2022-2023

The monthly allowance set by the European Commission and Avignon University applies in this way in 2022/2023:

GroupCountry of destinationSTUDY MobilityTraineeship Mobility
(Amounts per month)
Group 1Denmark, Finland, Ireland, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Norway, Sweden310 €460 €
Group 2Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Germany, Greece, Italy, Malta, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain260 €410 €
Group 3Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Republic of Northern Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkey, Serbia210 €360 €

- The amount of the grant is calculated by multiplying the number of days/month (1/30) per student by the applicable unit contribution per day/month according to the host country group concerned:

GroupSTUDY MobilityTraineeship Mobility
Country Group 1 :10,33 € / day15,33 € / day
Country Group 2 :8,67 € / day13,67 € / day
Country Group 3 :7 € / day12 € / day

Financial supplement to the contribution to living expenses for students with fewer opportunities

 Amount : 250 € per month

 Award criteria: students must meet at least one of the following conditions:

  • Be disabled or have a long-term condition (ALD)
  • Living at an address classified as a priority urban district ;
  • Higher education scholarship holder on social criteria at levels 6 and 7 ;
  • Belonging to a household whose CAF family allowance is less than or equal to €551

Financial supplement to the contribution to subsistence costs for environmentally friendly means of transport

 Students who opt for environmentally friendly transport will receive a one-off contribution of 50 euros in addition to the contribution to subsistence costs and up to 4 days' contribution to additional accommodation costs to cover the days of travel to and from.

 Eco-friendly means of transport: train, carpooling, bus.

Hybrid mobility

Any period of study or work placement abroad of any duration can take the form of a hybrid activity: physical mobility combined with a virtual component. In order to be eligible for an Erasmus+ grant, the physical mobility (study or placement) must have a minimum duration of 2 months.

Conditions for the Erasmus+ grant  :

  • The Erasmus+ grant is paid without means testing.
  • Mobility is possible from the first year of the degree course for internships and studies.
  • Duration: minimum 2 months for studies and work placements. Students can receive the Erasmus+ grant for a maximum of 12 months per course (bachelor's, master's).
  • There is no age restriction for Erasmus+ student mobility.
  • The student must be working towards a higher education qualification.
  • Can be combined with the AMI grant; cannot be combined with a grant from the Sud-PACA Region.
  • The ERASMUS+ programme supports the mobility of people in situation of disability, whatever it may be (mental, physical, sensory or other). Additional grants are available to cover specific costs and are reserved exclusively for students with disabilities who would not be able to participate in a mobility programme without this additional funding. This aid, which supplements the 'traditional' grant, takes a number of factors into account. A range of costs linked to the student's specific needs are covered on the basis of the following criteria actual costs estimated. The application must be made minimum 1 month before the date of departure.
International Mobility Grant (AMI), from the Ministry of Higher Education and Research
  • You must be a CROUS scholarship holder (at any level) to be eligible.
  • The duration of funding is 2 to 9 months maximum for all higher education studies.
  • The AMI scholarship can be combined with the Erasmus+ scholarship.
  • The amount is 400 euros per month.

Students who receive a national grant from the CROUS retain the benefit of this grant for the duration of their stay abroad, even if they also receive an international mobility grant.

Grants for international mobility in the Sud-PACA region (studies)

The South Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur Region proposes to support the international influence of the region's higher education establishments by granting aid for the international mobility of students who carry out an internship abroad as part of their training course.

To do this, the student must create an account on the Region's Individual Aid Portal, enter their application online and upload the required documents.

ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA: To be eligible for a scholarship, the student must :
  • Be a student in initial training, including sandwich courses;
  • Be enrolled in a regional public or private higher education institution under agreement with the Region;
  • To prepare for a State diploma, a diploma approved by the State, a university diploma in international technological education (DUETI) or a diploma registered in the RNCP (National Register of Professional Certifications);
  • Be under 30 years of age on 31 December 2022;
  • Be of a different nationality from that of the country in which the stay is to take place;
  • Meet a social criterion: justify a family quota (overall gross income divided by the number of tax units) not exceeding €26,000 (2021 tax notice on 2020 income).

The course, of a minimum duration of 8 weeksmust be integrated into the curriculum and completed in a foreign country outside the European UnionIt must be validated over the 2022-2023 academic year and end no later than 31 December 2023. It must be validated during the academic year 2022-2023 and end no later than 31 December 2023.

- Students receiving an Erasmus grant ;
- Students eligible for other international mobility support;
- Students receiving an internship allowance of more than €200/week;
- Students receiving a "Regional Aid for International Study Mobility" grant for the academic year 2022-2023.

Amount of the grant

  • Scholarship of 125 € per week for students domiciled for tax purposes in Provence Alpes Côte d'Azur;
  • Grant of 100 € per week for students whose tax residence is outside the Provence Alpes Côte d'Azur region;
  • Maximum amount that can be awarded each year under the PRAME to a single student 2,500 for students domiciled for tax purposes in the Provence Alpes Côte d'Azur region and €2,000 for students domiciled for tax purposes in another region;
  • An additional flat rate of €400 may be awarded to students with disabilities;
  • An additional flat rate of €200 is awarded to students for whom the mobility has generated visa costs.

Duration of care

The duration of support is from a minimum of 8 weeks to a maximum of 20 weeks. Assistance will only be granted for full and consecutive weeks of training, a week being made up of 7 consecutive days including the weekly rest period.

Terms and conditions of award

  • At the end of the Grant Award Commission, a notification e-mail is sent to the students concerned so that they can enter their application on the Region's portal via this link. No direct application to the Region will be accepted;
  • The allocation of the Regional Aid for International Study Mobility is subject to the eligibility conditions set by the Region. It is therefore not automatic;
  • The presentation of applications is made during a committee meeting attended by representatives of the Region and of your institution;
  • The selected applications are presented to the Permanent Commission of the Regional Council for validation. No payment of the grant will be made before this validation
  • Regional aid can only be allocated to a single student once per academic year.

Terms of payment

The payment of the grant is made after the notification of the award of the grant to the student by the Region according to the following procedure and depending on the number of semesters of study actually completed:

  • A first payment corresponding to 80 % of the amount of the grant. This payment is made on receipt by the Region's instructing department of the form for the start of the training period.
  • The balance is paid on receipt of the form d or, if applicable, a certificate from the sending institution certifying the completion of the relevant semesters at the host institution.

Failure to produce proof of completion of the semesters within 2 months of the end of the semesters will result in the recovery of the first payment made by the Region.

The Region will ensure the recovery of unduly paid sums, in particular if the beneficiary student renounces his/her mobility. The same will apply if the student does not respect the minimum duration set by the Region for access to the grant or if he/she does not produce proof that he/she has completed his/her placement period abroad.

Furthermore, if the duration of the mobility is less than the duration initially planned, the Region will pay the balance "pro rata temporis" or, if this is insufficient, it will request the reimbursement of the sums unduly paid according to the "pro rata temporis" rule.

Internships in the UK

Since 1 January 2021, the United Kingdom has been applying a new immigration regime which reduces the scope of mobility across the Channel, particularly for young people. Indeed, no status is currently foreseen for students who wish to go to the United Kingdom in order to carry out an internship as part of their studies in France. The MESRI wishes to alert higher education institutions to the risk that the students concerned may be blocked when applying for a visa with the British authorities. The French authorities have taken steps to have this status recognised. The MESRI will keep institutions informed of developments. 

Please also consider consulting the FAQ MESRI's regularly updated information on the consequences of Brexit for higher education, research and innovation.

House of International (MDI)

International Relations Department (IRD)
74 rue Louis Pasteur
84029 Avignon cedex 1