Avignon University

[Thesis defence] 25/04/2024 - Imen BEN-AMOR, "Deep modelling based on the notion of voice attributes for explicable speaker recognition: application to the forensic domain"(LIA)

17 April

[PhD defence] 23/04/2024 - Sara BOSSHARDT: "Understanding and providing tools for farmers to take into account the multidimensional performance of integrated diversified systems: the case study of orchards grazed by hens" (INRAE)

10 April

[MT180] Pierre Baby, finalist in My Thesis in 180 seconds 2024!

08 April

[PhD defence] 10/04/2024 - Léo ROCHER: "Identification of vegetation parameters favouring beneficial arthropods and associated ecological functions in viticulture: a correlative and experimental approach" (IMBE)

08 April

Campus Sonore - 7th edition at the Opéra Grand Avignon

07 April

Arts and Culture Days 2024

28 March

Upcoming events

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Components news

UFR Arts, Letters and Languages

Musical talk by the Quatuor Girard led by Mickaël Samoy

21 February

UFR Humanities and Social Sciences

[Distinction] The Mission archéologique à Paphos (MafaP) directed by Claire Balandier receives the label of the Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres

21 March

UFR Sciences, Technologies, Health

[Thesis defence] 25/04/2024 - Imen BEN-AMOR, "Deep modelling based on the notion of voice attributes for explicable speaker recognition: application to the forensic domain"(LIA)

17 April

UFR Law, Economics, Management

AED eloquence competition

24 October

University Institute of Technology

European Life VineAdapt project at the IUT in Avignon

27 October

Continuing education


23 March