Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) - Research and Innovation Support Department (DARI)

Valorisation and Technology Transfer

  1. What are the key stages in setting up a contract?
  2. a. What is "proper knowledge"?
    b. Why list proprietary knowledge?

  3. What is the CIFRE scheme?
  4. Do students on work placements own the intellectual property rights to their work?

Doctoral schools

  1. I can't find my doctorate diploma when I re-register
  2. What is the composition of the thesis defence jury?
  3. What is an A-level employee?
  4. Can I interrupt my doctorate?


  1. I am an international researcher planning a stay at Avignon University and I need a visa. What procedure should I follow?
  2. I am an international researcher planning to stay at Avignon University. How can I get help to settle in?
  3. I am a researcher at Avignon University and I would like to set up or renew a research agreement with an international partner. How do I go about it?

Research project engineering

  1. I'm looking for funding for a research project but I don't know where to turn. Who should I contact?
  2. Can a non-permanent researcher lead a research project?
  3. Is there any training in writing research projects?
  4. What is a person-month and what purpose does it serve in the context of a research project?

Communication Research & Scientific, Technical and Industrial Culture

  1. I want to modify or create my search engine page in the directory on your site. How do I do this?
  2. I'm a researcher at the university and I'd like to use the website to report news or an event related to my research. What procedure should I follow?
  3. I see that you publish "Research Portraits" every month. How are they selected?
  4. I want to take part in the Fête de la Science. How do I go about it?
  5. I'm a doctoral student or teacher-researcher and I'd like to give a talk. How do I go about it and who should I contact?
  6. I'm a regular at Avignon Université's scientific culture conferences and Midisciences. How can I find out what's on?
  7. I am a researcher in an Avignon University laboratory and I would like to organise a scientific conference. Who should I contact?

University Research School (EUR) Implanteus

  1. What is a EUR?
  2. How do I apply for the IMAS Masters?

3A platform

  1. What is the 3A platform?


Valorisation and Technology Transfer

  1. Do you need to draw up a budget and/or obtain a research contract?
    The Valorisation and Technology Transfer Unit can help you in the following ways:
  • Making an appointment: simply contact us to present your research project. We will identify your needs during a meeting with you, then we will establish the budget and the type of contract required to formalise your research project.
  • A meeting with the partner: This stage is not compulsory, but may be necessary if required. It enables us to confirm the main contractual principles and the financial aspects with the partner before sending the first version of the contract.
  • Drafting and negotiating the terms of the contract: This phase, which generally takes place after the various interviews, enables us to draft the contract that meets the needs of the project and the partners. Back and forth discussions take place between the partner and the development engineer in charge of the project. You will receive a copy of these exchanges so that you can be kept informed of the progress of the project and can be contacted if necessary on points of discussion.
  • Signing the contract : The signing of the contract is the phase that comes after the signing of the contract. formalise the agreement between the Université d'Avignon on behalf of the Laboratory and the partner. Once the contract has been signed, a copy is sent to you and your laboratory manager + financial department for information.

2. a. Own knowledge: Refers to all information and technical knowledge, in particular know-how, databases, software, plans, diagrams, formulae or any other type of information in any form, whether patented or not, patentable or not, necessary for the execution of the Project, which each party may hold or have prior to the Project and/or develop or acquire, individually or with third parties in parallel with the Project in a manner independent of it and which each partner agrees to make available to the other partners for the execution of the Project.
In short, these are the patents, software, know-how and any other knowledge that the teacher-researcher needs to carry out the project.

2. b. The advantage of identifying your own knowledge by listing it in advance is that you can to enable each of the parties to explain its intellectual contribution to the project, to be able to distinguish them from the results generated by the parties as part of the project, and therefore to protect them in order to retain full ownership and freedom of use and communication.

3. The CIFRE (Convention Industrielle de Formation par le Recherche) scheme strengthens exchanges between public research laboratories and the socio-economic world, encourages the employment of PhDs in companies and contributes to the innovation process in companies.
In concrete terms, it brings the public and private spheres closer together by helping to financing the salary of a doctoral student supervised by an academic laboratory on a company problem. For the company, this means easier access to top-level scientific and technical knowledge and skills. For the laboratory, it's an opportunity to apply and validate real-world research.
>> For further information

4. Yes, because he's not an employee of the host establishment, he's on placement.
Self-employed students on placement are therefore at least co-owners of their invention, and owners of any copyright attached to the results.
A contract for the transfer of these rights (only the economic rights for copyright) can be drawn up with the support of the "Technology Transfer and Development Unit".

Doctoral schools

  1. A request for authorisation to register must be renewed every year. Doctoral students must apply for authorisation to enrol before re-enrolling.
  2. The jury must comprise between 4 and 8 members. At least half the members of the jury must be from outside the doctoral school and the Université d'Avignon. At least half must be professors or equivalent.
  3. Professors and assimilated staff within the meaning of article 6 of decree no. 92-70 relating to the National Council
    of universities and article 5 of decree no. 87-31 for health disciplines, or by teachers of equivalent rank who do not come under the Ministry of Higher Education, or by the staff of higher education establishments or public research bodies.
    They are therefore Pr or Dr.
  4. A doctoral programme cannot be interrupted.
    By way of exception, at the reasoned request of the doctoral student, an uninterrupted gap period of a maximum duration of one year may take place once, by decision of the head of the institution in which the doctoral student is registered, with the agreement of the employer, if applicable, and the opinion of the thesis director and the director of the doctoral school.


Are you planning to join us? To make your arrival in Avignon as easy as possible, we've published a bilingual French-English guide to help you prepare for your stay.

  1. The type of visa you need depends on the length of your stay (under or over 90 days), the reason for it and your status. To find out which type of visa you need and to start the formalities, please go to The official website for visas to France. You can also find out more on the website of the Office français de l'immigration et de l'intégration (French Office for Immigration and Integration) and on that of Ministry of the Interior. Visit the dedicated page on our website for more details.
  2. Avignon University is a EURAXESS Contact Point and a member of the Euraxess France association. The EURAXESS Researchers in Motion network is an initiative of the European Commission, launched in 2004, which aims to support researchers in mobility, whether they are nationals of the European Union or a third country. The local Euraxess Contact Point can be contacted throughout the process, in French and English, at euraxess@univ-avignon.frVisit the dedicated page on our website for more details.
  3. In partnership with the Maison de l'International for agreements involving a training component, the Research and Innovation Support Department can help you develop your international partnerships. Please contact us at so that we can help you.

Research project engineering

  1. The easiest way to do this is to make an appointment with Mariama Cottrant. explain the context and your needs. Depending on the type of research, the potential partnership and the order of magnitude of the budget you need, you will be able to select certain calls for projects and determine the next steps together.
  2. It all depends on the calls for projects. This can be envisaged as part of an ANR JCJC (Jeunes Chercheuses et Jeunes Chercheurs) project, as long as the scientific leader has a contract for the entire duration of the project, and bearing in mind that the ANR does not fund his/her salary. In the case of an ERC project, the grant may cover the full salary of the scientific leader, so it is important to plan ahead. this envelope as soon as the project is set up, and ask the establishment for a letter of commitment (compulsory for submission of the application). For other calls for projects, please contact Mariama Cottrant which will consider whether this is feasible on a case-by-case basis.
  3. Yes, the Research and Innovation Support Division generally organises at least one training course a year. Depending on demand, we can organise more themed training courses or targeted calls for projects. Please do not hesitate to contact us.
  4. A person-month (or man-month) is a unit of measurement used to assess the workload required to complete a task or achieve the objectives of a project. One person-month corresponds to the full-time equivalent of one month's work, i.e. around twenty working days, regardless of the number of people involved or the spread of the task over time: one person-month can be spread over 6 months, for example. In general, to specify a person's involvement in a research project, we speak in terms of person-month rather than as a percentage. For example, for a person involved in a 36-month project for 10% of their working time, we would talk about 3.6 person-months. This method of calculation can be used in the same way for permanent and non-permanent staff. This is essential for calculating the full cost of a project.

Research Communication and Scientific, Technical and Industrial Culture (STIC)

  1.  - If you already have a page, use the login details that were sent to you when the page was created. The subject of the email is: "Individual access to the back office of the new Avignon Université portal".
    - To create a page or recover your login details, send your request to
  2. If you are part of the Avignon University community and have a topic that could be the subject of a Research news item, contact us at by providing us with: an abstract, the laboratory(ies) and person(s) involved, royalty-free visuals.
  3. Our aim is to promote as many research themes as possible in our laboratories. As far as possible, we alternate between the humanities and social sciences and the sciences (including computing and mathematics) and agrosciences. These portraits This concerns both researchers and research support staff: technicians, engineers, engineering assistants, etc.
    A question concerns the scientific news of the person being questioned, so you need to have some news to share (e.g. the release of a book, a recent publication, an event you are organising, etc.).
    If we haven't heard from you yet, please let us know!
    Contact us at
  4. Whether I am a student, a student association, a member of university staff or a teacher/researcher at the University :
    Contact us by e-mail :
  5. You must send an email to :
    Visit mentioning your laboratory, the proposed subject and the planned date (the Midisciences take place at S2, from 12.30 to 1pm, on Thursdays from the end of January to mid-May on the 2 campuses).
  6. You can find information and the programme of CSTI events at the website diary and more particularly on the "Les rendez-vous de la culture scientifique "Click here to visit the University's website.
  7. Contact the Research Communication Department to launch the procedure (governance agreement, shuttle form, pre-booking of dates, etc.).

Implanteus University Research School

  1. Based on the internationally recognised Graduate Schools model, the aim is to fund projects that fully involve higher education establishments and research bodies. These projects must have a strong international dimension and, as far as possible, maintain close links with economic players. They bring together master's and doctoral courses as well as one or more high-level research laboratories.
    Launched in 2017, a University Research School (EUR) is a component of a university created by an agreement between the State and the National Research Agency (ANR) as part of the Future Investment Programme (PIA 3).
  2. All the information you need to apply is available on the EUR Implanteus website.

3A platform

  1. Plateforme 3A brings together a set of shared facilities jointly managed by INRAE and Avignon University and comprises 3 distinct platforms:
    An Environmental Control Platform (ECP)
    - An Analytical Platform (AP) comprising 3 platforms (Metabolomics, Spectrometry and Microscopy)
    - An Animal and Human Physiology Platform (PPAH)
    The platform benefits from state-of-the-art equipment in its various specialities as well as high-level infrastructures to meet the challenges of scientific research and innovation.