Avignon University wins a national call for projects for its Expansion project

News 17 April 2023

Avignon University is the winner of the national call for projects Accelerating the development strategies of
higher education and research establishments (ESR) with its Expansion project, submitted in
last November.

It will receive a budget of €2,083,395, as announced by Sylvie Retailleau, Minister for the Environment.
the Higher Education and Research Ministry at the "1500 ERC Laureates in France" event organised at
Paris on 13 April 2023.

The aim of the project is to increase the impact of Avignon University in its ecosystems by expanding
its training and research potential and its partnerships. It aims to develop the resources of
the school by responding to three challenges based on its scientific and educational expertise:

- Generalising the development of work-linked training in Avignon Université's courses of excellence
by strengthening the engineering department of the Lifelong Learning Service (SFTLV). The division's work
will enable us to step up our support for teacher-researchers and lecturers in order to create 5 bachelor's degrees.
professional courses and 6 additional masters courses in 6 years, for a total of 25 certified courses

- Accelerate the deployment of partnership chairs through sponsorship by consolidating the "added value" division
Technology Transfer and Partnerships" of the Research and Innovation Support Directorate (DARI). This
programme aims to build lasting partnerships in strategic areas of research, to support
the scientific priorities of the laboratories, to accelerate the institution's investment in its fields
to strengthen the links between research and training in these areas. The aim is to
creation of 6 new partnership chairs in 6 years, followed by 3 chairs with full financial autonomy, for a total of
11 partnership chairs by 2029.

- Create a Europe Unit to help researchers respond to calls for projects
by structuring the 'Engineering of research projects and international development' division of the
Research and Innovation Support Directorate (DARI). The unit will aim to increase the quantity and quality of
improving the quality of projects submitted, diversifying the programmes to which laboratories contribute, ensuring
a return on investment thanks to efficient management.


The projects of the 44 winning projects focus on promoting lifelong learning (in 31 cases)
and on European projects (in 29 projects). Heritage enhancement is only highlighted in
eight projects and sponsorship in just one.

Projects are funded for a period of between six and ten years. At mid-term, the projects will be subject to
a new evaluation to verify deployment. The overall budget for this call for projects is
200m in a single wave