Back to school 2023-2024

Avignon Université is organising a welcome week for new students (from L1 to PhD), from 1 to 8 September.
These days give you the opportunity to discover the university and its services and to get to grips with your new university life.

Back to school schedule

Reception from 8 a.m., depending on the department, on the dates below.
It is compulsory to attend these back-to-school events.

1st September UFR STS and IUT- Jean-Henri Fabre Campus

6 September UFR SHS and STAPS - Hannah Arendt Campus

7 September UFR DEG - Hannah Arendt Campus

8 September UFR ALL - Hannah Arendt Campus

For international students:

A welcome day for international students will be held on Monday 4 September. Information from the Maison de l'International.

However, international students must also attend their first day of classes, depending on the course they are studying.

Course of the day 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.

8h - Breakfast reception
rdv at the UFR STS for the Jean-Henri Fabre campus, and at the Pôle sportif for the Hannah Arendt campus

then back-to-school meeting and meeting with the teaching teams

12 noon to 1.30 p.m.
Picnic in the university gardens

1.30 p.m. to 6 p.m.

Orienteering: discover the university and its services
Meetings and events organised by student associations (games, sports tournaments, associative and musical activities, etc.)

L1 students are expected from 8am.
New students enrolled for the first time at Avignon University, from L2 to Doctorate, are expected from 12 noon.