[Elections 2023: Students] Renewal of student representatives on central councils (CA, CFVU and CR)

News 25 September 2023

From 7 November at 9am to 8 November at 5pm, students enrolled at Avignon University for the 2023-2024 academic year will elect their representatives to the University's central councils for the next two years, by electronic means.

For each council, votes must be cast on a list of student candidates registered at Avignon University.

Why is it important to vote?

Firstly, because in a democracy, the exercise of any right requires the fulfilment of certain duties: voting is the first of these duties.
Your representatives sit in the same capacity as the other elected members. They are therefore associated with and involved in the decisions of the councils that determine the general policy of the institution (CA), organise your conditions of study, examination and life at the University (CFVU) and implement the research strategy (CR).

Who votes?

All students regularly enrolled at the university for the 2023-2024 academic year (including all students recruited for tutoring or library service) are eligible to vote, as well as students benefiting from continuing education who are regularly enrolled to prepare for a diploma or a competitive examination, and auditors who are free under certain conditions¹.
Only doctoral students can vote on the Research Committee.

Which seats are up for grabs?

From 7 to 8 November 2023, the following will be elected:

  • 4 representatives on the Board of Directors (28 members),
  • 12 representatives on the Training and University Life Committee (32 members),
  • 4 doctoral student representatives on the Research Committee (32 members).

Who are the candidates?

Each council must vote on a list of student candidates registered at the university.
You will therefore not be voting for a single candidate but for a list of candidates, so that any vacant seat will be replaced by the next candidate on the list.
Candidate lists may be drawn up locally or nationally (in which case student candidates are affiliated to national students' unions).

How do I vote?

You have one vote on each council. Before you vote, make sure your name is on the voters' list.
At least 15 days before the first polling day, you will receive your voting notice, which will be sent electronically.

When should you vote?

The elections will take place from 7 November 2023 at 8am to 8 November 2023 at 5pm.

What happens next?

After the elections, you can contact your elected representatives to express your concerns. The list of these representatives is permanently available on the University's website.
You can also obtain their contact details from the University Services Department (Presidency area).

>>> Find out about the various decrees and the electoral lists (ENT access reserved)
>>> (Coming soon) Discover the professions of faith of the candidate lists for the Board, the CFVU and the CR of the CAC (ENT access only)

¹ Auditors who are regularly enrolled on the same courses as students may also be eligible to vote, provided they submit a request to the General and Institutional Affairs Department (form available on the e-Doc platform: Elections conseils centraux / Elections étudiantes) by no later than 12 noon on 31 October 2023.

The organisation of elections requires the processing of voters' personal data by the university and by the service provider it has chosen. The purpose of this processing is to enable the electoral register to be compiled and to enable each voter to exercise his or her right to vote.
The legal basis for this processing is the obligation imposed by law to organise these elections (article 6.1 of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)).

The only recipients of the data are the departments responsible for implementing the elections and the subcontractors responsible for the electronic voting system. The data is kept until all legal avenues of appeal and regulatory archiving periods have been exhausted.

The institution's Data Protection Officer has ensured that the rules of the RGPD have been complied with, and an expert is providing technical support, assisting the institution until all legal remedies have been exhausted.

The data sources are as follows:

For staff and students, the data comes from the human resources and school information systems, or directly from the voter who requests to be registered on the electoral roll or to have their personal information corrected.
You may access your personal data and request that it be corrected or deleted. You also have the right to limit the processing of your data.
To exercise these rights, voters may contact the University's Data Protection Officer by e-mail at dpo@univ-avignon.fr or by post at :

Data Protection Officer
Case 7
74, rue Louis Pasteur
84029 Avignon

If, after contacting the university, a voter believes that his or her data protection rights have not been respected, he or she can lodge a complaint online with the CNIL or by post.