Hybridization at the service of innovation

News 10 July 2023

Avignon University

campus Hannah Arendt - 74, rue Louis Pasteur, Avignon

Tuesday 11 July 2023

As members of the EIT Culture & Creativity, Europe's leading consortium dedicated to innovation in the cultural and creative industries, the Région Sud and the Université d'Avignon invite you to a meeting to discuss innovation and hybridisation in the performing arts. How can the hybridisation of models, forms, uses and audiences transform practices and place them at the heart of innovative proposals? What innovation(s) are we talking about, and what are the economic, financial, structural and systemic mechanisms and levers to encourage it? A two-part event: a round table and participative, forward-looking workshops to co-construct innovative projects, with keynote speakers sharing their experiences.

Programme :

14:00 - 14:15 Opening of the event - Amphitheatre AT05

  • Vice-President in charge of the Avignon Université Research Commission, Georges Linarès
  • Michel Bissière, Regional Councillor for Artistic and Cultural Affairs, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur Region

2.15pm - 2.30pm Introductory remarks on hybridisation

  • Gabrielle Halpern, Doctor of Philosophy

14h30 - 14h55 Presentation of the EIT Culture & Creativity

  • Jean-François Trubert, Chairman of MIN4CI, Mediterranean Foundation for CCI
  • François Lepage, Consultant, KIC Expert 

14:55 - 15:30 Round Table: "Hybridization at the service of innovation 

What are the levers for innovative projects?

Moderator Karen Nielsen, Deputy Director of Culture, Région Sud Provence-Alpes Côte d'Azur

  • Thierry Teboul, Managing Director - Afdas
  • Marialya Bestougeff, Innovation Director - Innovation and incubator 104factory, Le CentQuatre-Paris 
  • Lucie Marinier, Professor, Chair of Cultural and Creative Engineering - CNAM
  • Anne Lise Rosier, Director of Cabinet and of the Villa Créative programme - Avignon University

3.30pm - 4.30pm - Amphitheatre AT05 and rooms 126, 127, 129


4 workshops- 2 keynote speakers per workshop

  • Olivier Galzi, Vice-Chairman, Edeis Group
  • Sébastien Lauro Lillo, Co-founder, SCOP Terra Incognita
  • Françoise Lacotte, Co-founder and Coordinator - Tiers-lieu La Verrerie, Arles
  • Amandine Lebrun, Digital mediation coordinator and facilitator - C-Num third-party centre, Draguignan
  • Gildas Dussauze, Co-founder and CEO - VRtuoz,  
  • Florence Ferran, Deputy Scientific Adviser - French Embassy in the United Kingdom
  • Anne Le Gall, Chairman - TMNlab
  • Fabienne Aguado, Director of Artistic Studies - Académie de France à Madrid - Casa de Velázquez
  • Jean-David Dreyfus, Professor of Administrative Law and Contract and Public Procurement Law at the University of Paris Descartes - Member of the Paris Bar
  • Aurélien Burel, Member of the Paris Bar - D4 Avocats Associés - D4 Avocats Associés
  • Laure Kaltenbach, Chairman and Co-founder - Creative Tech
  • Pascal Servera, Director - Le Citron Jaune - Centre National des Arts et de l'Espace Public de Port-Saint-Louis-du-Rhône

4.30pm - 5pm Amphitheatre AT05

Workshop feedback

Returns :

  • Laure Kaltenbach, President & Co-founder - Creative tech agency and KIC member
  • Samuel Valensi, director  
  • David Irle, shifter consultant - Aladir Conseil

5.15pm - 5.45pm

Transversale des Réseaux Arts Sciences (TRAS)

Report on the national survey of players and types of action in the arts and sciences field

  • Thierry Besche, Chairman of the TRAS network
  • Nathalie Bargetzi, Coordinator

5pm - 5.15pm


  • Gabrielle Halpern, Doctor of Philosophy