Engineers 2024 career guidance meetings

News 31 January 2024

On Friday 2 February from 2pm to 5pm, the Avignon University science preparatory school (CUPGE - cycle universitaire préparatoire aux grandes écoles) will be welcoming former students to talk about their experiences at the integrated engineering schools and their post-prep experience.

This event is particularly important for students currently enrolled in the bachelor's degree in Mathematics - Preparation for engineering schools at Avignon University, because it will enable them to make their choice in terms of career guidance. With ParcourSup now open, it's also an opportunity to attract high-school students interested in the grandes écoles and the engineering profession.

Avignon University's CUPGE preparatory course is celebrating its 40th anniversary this year. It offers a selective, well-supported and highly supervised scientific university course. It enables students to enter France's top engineering schools via a pathway parallel to that of the traditional classes préparatoires aux grandes écoles (CPGE). It is one of the best CUPGEs in France in terms of integrated schools.

This year, 5 of the schools featured are in the top 20 of the 200 French engineering schools according to the L'Etudiant rankings: X, Centrale Supélec, ENSAE, Mines de Nancy and ENSIMAG.

This event is organised by the Asso LM-prépa association, one of the 45 associations of Avignon University. Around a hundred people are expected to attend, including around twenty former students.

Programme :
2pm-4pm: lectures and presentations (room 2E06)
4pm-5pm: round tables (room 2E07)

Schools represented :
École Polytechnique (X), Centrale Paris Supélec, ENSAE, Mines d'Albi, Mines de Nantes (IMT Atlantique), INP Grenoble - ENSIMAG, Polytech Montpellier, Orléans, Marseille, INSA Lyon, Mines de Nancy, ENIM and also professors and practising engineers.