[SFTLV testimonial] Pablo FLORENT

1) Why did you choose this course?

"I chose to do the Agroecological Land Transition professional degree because I'm passionate about the environmental issues linked to agriculture! We urgently need to make lasting changes to the way we produce and consume. To do that, we need to train future professionals in new ways of working. Agro-ecology is the only affordable solution for farmers. So I wanted to be in a position to help producers produce more sustainably.

2) What did you particularly like about the course?

"Rapid integration into the professional world. We have a huge number of presentations and visits during the academic year. This enables students to build up a professional network that is vital for the future! So many useful contacts... What's more, the tutored projects call on a wide range of skills."

3) What are the advantages of a sandwich course?

"The main advantage is being able to continuously link theory and practice. What's more, apprenticeships also give you the chance to work with committed professionals. It's also an opportunity to discover some beautiful areas."

4) Why would you recommend this course?

"Because we are at a turning point in our society! Only committed, competent professionals will be able to rise to the challenge of the agro-ecological transition. We need to make far-reaching changes. So we urgently need to train the farmers who will be the advisors of tomorrow.

To find out more about the course, click here